Planned obsolescence, or built-in obsolescence, if it is in Britain, the decision by a manufacturer specifically to develop, produce and sell a consumer product to become obsolete or non-functional buy specifically to the customer to the next generation of power products. This plan is before the "will implement Next Generation" is even off the drawing board. Planned obsolescence is of course very advantageous for a manufacturer because it allows a customer to buy not only a meansProduct once and have it last so many years never to buy again - the life of the product usefulness or functionality is fixed, so that at regular intervals to pay the customer money again and again and again, either the original manufacturer's recent Junk, or buy from the competition, which probably date planned uses.
I can not believe we are still wear out motors and moving parts. The technological advances of recent years have led toto the media that can hold Giga bytes of data in volatile and nonvolatile memory with no moving parts.
So fit, BluRay in this scenario? That remains to be seen, because the new technology is so fresh.
The most intense competition in next-generation optical disc format video wars between HD DVD and Blu-ray. Blu-ray is backed by the Blu-ray Disc Association, Sony is a member. Not just a format for HD video and audio, Blu-Ray is a higher capacityStorage format. HD DVD at this point is sold out of Blu-ray. Blu-ray discs, has sold over 500,000.
Is this just a case of "The newest Toy" or "Grass Is Greener? You can expect Blu-Ray to the increasing popularity of HDTV in parallel and it can replace legacy systems, if the onslaught of other new toys obsolete Blu-Ray. If you are an audiophile you remember when DAT (digital audio tape) are used as all, all the sound is expected to end. Today is used in some DAT tape backupSituations and not much else.
If a 10-year lifespan for the Blu-ray format is projected, as what comes next? Most likely, the next phase of planned obsolescence.
SSD is the future, count on it, it does have hurdles to go before they can replace the drives spinning. A Solid State Drive (SSD) is a non-magnetic alternative to a spinning drive. SSD is based on flash-memory based. In contrast to conventional drives with spinning magneticMedia and flying read / write heads, is designed with an SSD flash memory and requires no moving parts.
The main difference between these media is that SSD is not optical (such as a CD / DVD) or magnetic (such as a floppy disk, Zip, or hard drive), but a solid-state semiconductor similar to EPROM or battery backed RAM.
This is not a new technology. It is about 20 years in other applications. NAND flash memory is the core technology of the removable USB storage units as a USB flashDrives and many memory cards available today. 65-nanometer and Low-chip technology have allowed manufacturers to make smaller versions of the traditional flash chips. In NAND functions can easily drive to a silicon version of a rotating disk. The data are known as solid state drive, solid state disk or a volatile or non-volatile solid-state memory devices for use SSD, such as electronic storage.
While technically not a record thatLabel Solid State Disk is used in applications that in many modern device can be used as a replacement for the floppy drive. SSDs are a viable substitute for the common spinning-disk drive that has access to the moving parts caused slower memory. SSD does not have the mechanical limitations to limit the drives seek times on magnetic or optical, so the concept of an SSD drive is appealing, if a noise, speed, power consumption andReliability.
As a disadvantage in PC disk replacement NAND Flash memory allows only sequential access, while NOR flash memory provides random access. In storage and playback of video entertainment this may eventually not be subject.
The SSD reads 300 percent faster (53 Mb / s) and write 150 percent quicker (28 Mb / s), more than twice as fast as comparable spinning drives. SSD is an innovative NAND flash-based equivalent of traditional hard drives. It iscan read data at a rate of 56 Mb / s and write speeds of 32 MB / s, two times faster than normal hard drives.
Plus and minus for SSD:
Limited write cycles.
Typical Flash storage will typically wear after 100000-300000 write cycles, while high endurance Flash storage is often beyond endurance with 1-5000000 write cycles (many files, file allocation tables and other parts of the market frequently used file systemthis over the life of a computer). Special file systems or firmware designs can this problem by spreading writes over the entire device, rather than rewriting files in place to mitigate.
** If the software or firmware writes intelligently about staggers the whole unit, for large SSDs, even with continuous says can the fatigue strength for decades no longer be achieved. Envision your favorite movie or movies on SSD. Write cycles per cell = 1 When you write, and delete the old recordingThat's 2 more. Or the entertainment can be plugged on a flash drive and a player with a SSD for output to your entertainment system.
Price -
From early 2007, flash memory prices are still considerably higher per gigabyte than that of comparable conventional drives - about $ 10 per GB drives, compared to approximately $ 0.30 for the mechanical.
** As with any new technology, where producers have a sense of demand and production cyclesbe optimized prices to fall. One of my early "upgrade" was a 100 MB hard disk at a price of $ 200 extra dollars over the original 20 Meg drive. The OLPC XO-1 uses a SSD instead of a mechanical drive. This is the XO-1 PC than the $ 100 PC or One Laptop Per Child - PC to be configured. It uses SSD and Linux so Microsoft and legacy drive makers are trying to squelch this innovation.
Capacity -
The capacity of SSDs tendsignificantly smaller than the capacity of the disks.
** This will also be mitigated by technological progress, see above note to update on the hard disk.
Lower recoverability -
After the mechanical failure of the data is completely lost, because the cell is destroyed during normal HDD suffers mechanical failure of the data is often recoverable with the help of experts.
** This is usually a "straw man". How often it is worth the recovery calculated by the price Expert. For "Enterprise Systems", where the core business threatened by the loss of data, RAID technology is a better and cheaper solution.
against certain types of effects, including abrupt power loss (especially DRAM SSDs), magnetic fields and electric / static charges to normal HDDs (compared with saving the data in a Faraday cage).
** More straw man debate.
I've lost a lot of hard> Formats by power fluctuations, brown outs, etc. should the Faraday cage and can be used if necessary. It is not excluded in the case of SSD. Our daily environment is saturated with RF and other signals. Some are even calling this a form of pollution. The system can be vulnerable to EMP (electromagnetic pulse), but since this is likely to come from a nuclear detonation, film would be suspended anyway.
If we apply some sensible. There are farless difference in the production of HD DVD and Blu-ray players to propose than the retail prices. The differences between DVD and BlueRay is encouraged and BlueRay many systems are sold. For the average viewer at home, the difference hardly noticeable. In HDTV format, the differences are not necessarily recognizable, if your screen 55 "or more. I know that if you spend much time watching commercial TV, trying to convince you that we all need surround 120" screens withSound and Bass Boost is hard to resist, however, the marketing efforts enough to convince consumers that a part with a lot of money?
So eventually the fight will play. Technologies of legacy manufacturers used to be pushed. You have to hold the resources and marketing power to its profitable life version of "what we need." Other forms of presentation of the same information is always difficult to bring the road. Performance is often the decisive factor, after the costs and mitigate theOf course, marketing will make or break any product, process or technology, regardless of merit.
A brief summary:
SSD (Solid-State Drive) i
s an advanced NAND flash-component replacement for conventional drive technology.
can take a direct replacement for a mechanical. It is also safer and more reliable than a method for storing electronic data.
The SSD reads 300 percentfaster
(53MB / s) and write 150 percent quicker (28MB / s) more than twice as fast as standard spinning hard drives.
The SSD is extremely rugged,
stand up in a position to reduce vibrations and shocks and at the same time perform at temperatures in the extreme, from -20 to 80 degrees Celsius (-4 degrees Celsius to 176 degrees Fahrenheit).
SSD is already in use
in UMPC (Ultra-Mobile PCs) and isincluded in the OLPC.
I have been fascinated with planned, because as a strategy by Detroit automakers has been taken over. You are now antiques, but Detroit will be used to turn out large steel cars that would last indefinitely with an eye for tune-ups, lube jobs, jobs brake and oil changes. BTW These cars could be had much less than a year's salary.
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